2011-2012 Kindergarten Homeschool Goals

Here are our goals for Caleb for this year.  This is not rocket science, but I wanted to have them written out so I could keep tabs on how we are going.

Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading (Reading): 
I plan on doing lessons 4-5 days per week and that will accomplish anywhere from 144-180 lessons (36 weeks of school).  This book has 227 lessons.  The first 26 lessons teach the sounds of the letters, which Caleb already knows. So, by the end of the year I hope to be, at the very least, done with lesson 170.  I will probably continue with these lessons throughout the summer, because I hope to have this book completed by the time we start 1st grade.

Horizons K (Math):
Horizons K has 160 lessons.  My goal is simply to complete all the lessons by the end of the year.  This can be accomplished in four lessons per week with 16 lessons remaining.  I may try to have Caleb complete a couple lessons per day at the beginning to make up the remaining 16 lessons.  I really want to keep math and handwriting to four days per week so we can have a field trip/library day once a week.

A Reason for Handwriting (Handwriting):
There are only 69 pages of lessons in this book.  If I have Caleb complete one page (front and back) per day, for four days per week, we will get through it in no time (less than 18 weeks to be exact).  Then we will start on book A.

Five in a Row:
We plan do to one lesson/book per week.

Bible Study for All Ages:
We are currently using the beginner student pages (ages 3 – K) and are on lesson #11.  There are 416 lessons total, so we will be doing these for awhile.  We will do one lesson per day until finished and then move on to the intermediate student pages for grades 1-3.

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